Every day, thousands and thousands of excited people visit the cinema where they sit down in front of the cinema screen ready to be entertained.  How can we reach them and get them involved in a new way? 
CinCade is one of the most innovative initiatives in the cinema media since digitization It is a new platform, which aims at bringing together cinema audiences, the big screen and social media. CinCade brings interactive gaming to the darkness of the cinema and engages and entertains the audience.
Like every other media, the cinema needs to keep-up with the latest developments. By creating a platform 6 minutes before the traditional advertising blog, an advertiser is provided with a new opportunity to enter dialogue with the end-user and actively involve the users in the sponsor brand. The 2nd screen engagement offers a digital connection to the user and an opportunity to continue the dialogue with the user after the movie.
CinCade is a multiplayer game where participants use their smartphones as controllers, whilst playing against the other cinemagoers on the cinema screen.
The game and competition element in multiplayer gaming, requires the participant to actively engage in the sender brand. This provides an efficient way of reaching the target audience.


Second Screen in Cinamas
